What are the different colours of honey and why it happens?

Yes, you read it right. Honey (assuming it is in its raw state) comes in different colours.

The golden syrup as we know it comes in different shades and this blogpost seeks to talk about some of the factors that affects the colour of honey.

In this blogpost we’re going to look at 3 factors that contribute to the different colour that raw honey dons in its original state:

  • Harvesting Season
  • Source of nectar
  • Processing

Different shades of honey colour

What are the factors affecting the colour of honey?

Harvesting season

One of the biggest factors affecting the colour of honey is the season in which it is harvested. For instance:
  • Honey that is harvested in the spring season is usually lighter in colour.
  • In the summer, the harvested honey usually has a more amber colour.
  • Autumn season honey usually has a darker shade compared to the other seasons.

It is also important to note that the above factors are not absolute, and that honey from different places tend to different colours. And let’s not forget the impact of climate change plays a factor here as well!

Source of nectar

By now it’s pretty obvious that honey comes from the nectar and pollen of flowers. But did you know that honey is also further classified into uniflora and multiflora honey?

As the name suggests, uniflora honey is the honey that is sourced from a single variety of plant or flower. This type of honey is consistent in terms of colour and flavour since the bees collect nectar from only one source.

On the other hand, multiflora honey comes from different types of flowers and plants. The colour and flavour of this type of honey is usually inconsistent as it is prone to changes from time to time owing to different sources of nectar.

Zizira’s Pure Wildflower Raw Honey, that’s sourced from the dense forests of Meghalaya, falls in this category of honey.

Pure Wildflower Honey


You might have not realized this before but the next time you go to the supermarket or local grocery store, have a look at the colour of different bottles of honey stacked up on the shelves.

They all look the same light golden-ish colour, don’t they?

The reason for that is processing. Commercially produced honey is often heavily processed to maintain the same consistency and colour for ever bottle. Hence every bottle that is produced has the same colour every time.

Does different colour of honey affect the flavour of honey?

Now you’re probably wondering if the different colours have any effect on the flavour of honey. Although there is no major difference when it comes to how honey normally tastes, there are some minor and not so subtle differences.

For example, when it comes to the seasonal factor, springtime honey is known to taste as light as it looks.

Summer honey has a more cheerful and fruity flavour that’s not as light as honey in spring nor overpowering as autumn honey.

Autumn or winter honey is known to possess a much more distinct flavour that is sharper and stronger.

When it comes to floral source, uniflora honey, as mentioned earlier, has a more consistent flavour as the nectar only comes from one source. Examples of uniflora honey can be orange blossom honey, clover honey, buckwheat honey, Manuka honey, etc.

The flavour of multiflora honey on the other hand tend to differ from time to time as the bees move from one floral source. Although the original honey remains the same, there are subtle differences each time that may or may not be perceptible by many.

The special thing about multiflora honey is that you get to experience different flavours all combined into one instead of just one uniform flavour.

Zizira’s Pure Wildflower Honey is one such example of multiflora honey.

different colour of honey

Should you be worried about it?

If the honey that you purchased is not heavily processed to alter its natural properties, you should be fine with any honey colour.

Be it light, dark, or very dark honey, as long as it is raw honey, it will harbour the same characteristics and benefits that honey possesses which makes the golden syrup what it is today.

And if you’re looking for pure, raw, unprocessed honey that is ethically sourced from traditional beekeepers of Meghalaya, Zizira has got you covered!

Buy Raw Honey

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