Aarohi - Organization Helping Farmers in Uttarakhand

Aarohi was founded in 1992 and started a livelihood promotion program as part of their development initiatives. This organization has brought changes to the people of Uttarakhand and its initiatives have made a significant impact on 57 villages. They are producing apricot & peach body care products, culinary herbs, herbal teas, and fragrant potpourris. They teach farmers how to grow the ingredients, process, package & sell via e-commerce and through 67 retail outlets in India. They also encourage small scale organic cultivation of 17 varieties of herbs that will grow in the cool climate of the Himalayan foothills. They teach the small scale farmers how to a)grow organically b)harvest the product c)store it safely d)market their products & e)Packaging and selling herbs for cooking, herbal tea as well as potpourris and fragrance. You can buy their products at Aarohi.org. The site is beautiful, full of information and a role model to many.
Learn about the government schemes to help farmers. Download ebook. They have smartly started 30 Farmers Clubs. These groups discuss how to create more income by learning about new techniques and technology, improve marketing and make connections. This looks like a great organization. Visit their website and you will discover that they do a lot more. I only touched on the things related to agriculture, natural products and social entrepreneurship. Read about ICAR, another innovative organization we have learned from.