Plants and Their Benefits

How Haldi Doodh Keeps Me Healthy Even 2500 Kms Away From Home
Your body can get a lot of what it needs from Turmeric. Know how a simple drink - Haldi Doodh - has helped me live a #healthylife over the years.

How Curcumin Is Best Absorbed? 4 Ways To Eat And Drink Turmeric
Do you know you will miss out on the advantages of turmeric if you do not consume it the right way? Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is a powerful bio active agent and natural anti-oxidant. However, it is water-insoluble and has low bioavailability. Hence it is not easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Make the best use of the power of turmeric with these curcumin absorption secrets!

Quick And Easy Turmeric Banana Smoothie Recipe
Do you want to feel good inside out? With a few fresh ingredients from your kitchen, you can easily whip off your very own healing anti-inflammatory turmeric banana smoothie. Here's a quick & easy turmeric banana smoothie recipe.

Is Turmeric Good for Inflammation and Pain?
More and more people want to find out whether turmeric helps in reducing inflammation and pain. The answer is yes, with no side effects, the curcum...

Quick And Easy Turmeric Tea Recipe With Wildflower Honey
Turmeric tea is a favored and trendy beverage throughout many parts of Asia. Primarily, due to its health benefits and high curcumin content of tur...

Vegan Yellow Rice Recipe Made Quick And Easy!
Remember the Sunday brunch when your mother whipped up something so simple, yet so delicious? Brings back nostalgia? This recipe is just the soluti...