Zizira Presents

Ju's Kitchen

A Recipe you must try

Black Sesame Shake Recipe


  • 1/4 or 1/2 cup black sesame seeds
  • One Cup of coconut milk
  • 1 or 2 frozen banana
  • 2 tablespoons Honey


  • In a small nonstick pan, toast the black sesame seeds over medium-low heat until fragrant. Keep an eye on them because they might burn.
  • Transfer the roasted black sesame seeds to a food processor and grind them till it forms a nice sandy texture.
  • Add the coconut milk, banana and Honey. Process until smooth and creamy.
  • Transfer to a jar or glass, garnish with more black sesame and maybe some mint leaves.

Want to try this recipe?

Relax and enjoy this refreshing and nutritious Black Sesame Shake!


A place where tasty recipes meets healthy living, Ju’s Kitchen is the place for all things food. 

Ju’s Kitchen is a space where every day ingredients take the forefront, and exciting recipes are born. From local favourites to fresh new ideas, Ju’s Kitchen is curated to embrace all cultures from across the country.

What is Ju’s Kitchen? 

Headed by Juban, our innovative and creative team member, Ju’s Kitchen is birthed from the idea of creating an online space where simple and healthy recipes are transformed into favourite dishes that one can whip up in no time.

The core idea of Ju’s Kitchen seeks to break away from the conventional claim that ‘healthy food can never be as good or as tasty’. And here’s where Ju’s Kitchen comes into the picture. When creativity meets healthy food choices, anything is possible and that includes healthy recipes as well! 

What’s in store? 

Ju’s Kitchen was also created to showcase the amazing and unique ingredients that Meghalaya has to offer. How they are used, and which recipes absolutely compliments these ingredients is what Ju’s Kitchen is all about. 

Better yet, Ju’s Kitchen is not limited to only Meghalaya’s recipes. Ju’s take on classic pan Indian recipes with a healthy twist is also one of the perks of this series.  

From shakes to cakes, to soups and salad, smoothies and tea, and so much more! Ju’s Kitchen is packed with amazing recipes that you can try out today!  

Most of the ingredients used in the recipes are readily available and easy to find. And what’s more, you can even buy some if not all of Zizira’s ingredients so that you can start your journey towards a fun and healthy lifestyle filled with tasty and simple recipes. 

So, its time to get your cook on! 

Happy cooking!

© 2020 Zizira – We are based in Shillong, Meghalaya